In Memory 1969

It is with both honor and fond memory that we pay tribute to our fallen classmates.
If you are aware of a fellow classmate that should be honored but does not
appear on this page, please let us know.


Class of 1969
Allen, Clark Largent, Beth (09-07-14)
Armijo-Lanini, Marilyn (10/22/15) Leavitt, Craig  (2008)
Blair, Thomas Charles (06-15-02) Lenarth-Schultz, Deborah J (9/8/17)
Booge, Jim (Sept 2020) Linneborn-Maycock, Donna  (12-18-08)
Bradley-Jacobson, Kitty (Apr/May 2022) Long-Maloney, Kathleen  (08-23-03)
Buchanan-Harris, Linda L Long, Steve (2013)
Buck, Joe  (04-07-08) Lundeen, Bruce (12-13-19)
Butler, John (approx 2006) Margeson, Wayne  (01-27-01)
Burton, Anthony (12-2021) Mayer, Russ (Apr 2020)
Calhoun-Earnist,Cosette (Oct 2021) Mayers, Allen 
Carter, Randy McClymont, Jackie L.  (5-21)
Chinn-Cooper, Connie (2006) Mockett, Danny  (1984)
Cooper, Robert G. (Apr 2013) Nelson, Robert
Corbin, Clem  (01-17-15) Occhipinti, Dom  (08-20-08)
Davis, Allan Pendergrass III, Thomas J (11-04-18)
Dawson, Steve  (02-11-09) Petersen, Tom
Decker, Jeff   (2013) Putnam, Andy (April 2017)
DeGroot, Michael (1995) Ramirez, Mike
Deikel, Stuart  (1997) Rich, Ken C. (2018)
Elliott, James (Michael) (6-24-19) Rose, Kathleen
Enyeart, Ken  (2010) Schoolcraft, Frank (06-11-97)
Eyer-Gallinger, Kathleen  (01-19-05) Schult, Jeff (08-08-15)
Farrah, Chuck  (05-16-14) Sellers-Downey, Karen (2-15-20)
Feeney, Bill  (1984) Shockley, Don  (04-26-01)
Felker, Richard (2001) Specht-Singer, Janice (11-27-14)
Fraser, Mike (10-25-04) Spisak, Dave (03-24-2011)
Garner, Paul  (2011) Spurgeon-Bogan-Lusk, Sheila (12-20-11)
Garvey, Peter (12-04-10) St. John-Teague, Kristine (2021)
Gemora, Robert  (2004) Storz, Kim  (08-12-06)
Glover, Mary  (3-11-19) Strickland-Breeden, Debra
Godfrey, Stephen (2006) Strobel, Michael (2017)
Griffith, Clifton (Corky) (1996) Stroh, Chic (March 2019)
Hall, Coy  (06-03-13) Swart , Wayne  (2008)
Harris, Dorothy (1989) Thurston, Jeffrey G.  (1992)
Henderson, Les (02-28-17) Tilton, Debra  (1985)
Humphrey, David (1979) Wardrop, Craig
Idom, Linda (1997) Watkins, Gene  (2004)
Johnson, Larry William (10-13-72) Weber-Stevens, Sharon P. (1994)
Johnson, Tommy (4-10-15) Williams, Frank  (1983)
Kelly, George  (2013) Winnen-Carlson, Janice  (2007)
Kirk, Jimmie Zielinski, Timothy  (07-25-10)
Lange, Gary (2016)